Past Events

Nature Playdate with the Evanston Ecology Center - March 2023

In March, the EECC co-hosted a Nature Playdate with the Evanston Ecology Center where children were able to create a nature scape in self-hardening clay, make a cheerio bird feeder to hang at home, learn about a few animals in small groups with an Ecology Center instructor, and do some nature play in the gathering space.  Families attended from all areas of Evanston and had a great time!

The Noyes Cultural Center Art Day - April 2023

In April of 2023, we partnered with the Noyes Cultural Art Center to host an interactive Early Childhood Art day for children and families in the Evanston Area. We had bead making, arts and crafts, face painting and all kinds of art fun for kids to enjoy.

The Fun Fair’s Of 2023 - February 2024/November 2023

Looking back on our EECC Fun Fairs, we have been so elated to host Evanston’s Early Childhood Organizations, Centers and programs over this year, allowing them to share resources with our Families alongside so many games and activities for the kids. With two successful events, one in February and the other this past November, we helped to connect over 100+ families to quality Early Childhood information and resources just through these events alone!

A Successful Summer Of Natures tunes and Tots - Summer 2023 (June - August)

In Collaboration with The Evanston Ecology Center, and the Evanston Public Library. The EECC was a partner and co-host of the amazing Tunes and Tots events all summer 2023! Early Childhood Families were able to meet in Evanston many beautiful public parks and grounds to engage in Story-time, outside activities, fun with the wildlife, and have access to early Childhood Information. We cannot wait to continue this collaboration in 2024 and look forward to continuing our Nature Tunes and Tots!

EECC End Of Summer Celebration - August 2023

For the EECC’s End of Summer Celebration, There were snacks, games, fun activities, an interactive drum circle performance and loads of Early Childhood Resources and raffle prizes for Back to school. We had so much fun at Twiggs Park and couldn't have thought of a better way to start off the School Year.

EECC Family Winter Fun Day - December 2023

At our most Recent Event we had an amazing time at the EECC Family Winter Fun Day at the Ecology Center! Kids drank Hot Cocoa, participated in winter arts and craft activities, took family photos and enjoyed a winter story time by our Director’s (Stephen Vick) mother and retired Kindergarten teacher, Mrs.Vick! We are always excited to create free and fun activities for our families and can’t wait to keep doing so in 2024.